Controversy child Poonam Pandey is at it again. She kept up yet another one of her many promises of stripping on Twitter. However, this time, instead of stripping down to her bare minimum, she went the full monty way giving her so called fans a glimpse of what they had been waiting for. This isn't the first time that the starlet has created a flutter. Here are the starlet's top 5 most controversial moments:
Poonam Pandey landed herself the ire of noted but controversial writer Taslima Nasreen over her "attitude is like underwear" tweet. Taslima Nasreen tweeted " “Poonam Pandey got naked but not satisfied. She wanna do dirtiest things none did before. Wants to get f****d in public!(sic)” to which Poonam replied "F*ck what people say... Do YOU. Some people will hate you for it, but it's the ones that love you for it that are more important".
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