The Bachan pariwar has taken all the necessary steps to keep their precious new family member Aaradhya away from the media since the time of her birth. Now, the photos of Aaradhya has hit the net through the efforts made by an Indian English daily.
As per the reports from the officials of the English daily, the exclusive photos ofAishwarya Rai carrying Aaradhya cuddled up closely with her chest. The photos have been snapped at the Nice-Cote d’Azur International airport while Aishwarya was returning to hometown after attending the 65th Cannes International film festival.
As the photos have been taken from a distance, the face of Aaradhya is not clear. Aaradhya was seen with a pink baby suit, while Aishwarya was seen in a black dress. The security personnel who escorted Aishwarya to her car made sure that the Ash and her baby were not clicked from any angles.
Aaradhya photos have been in demand since the time of her birth. The Bachchans have avoided offers from international magazines and asking for Aaradhya's pictures for around 15 to 20 million dollars. This is the first time that we've got clear pictures of Aaradhya and next on people's mind will be the curiosity to see her face.
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